Behave Yourself You Will Not Like To Know Me What I am Capable of?

Behave Yourself You Will Not Like To Know Me What I am Capable of? 

Your better understand this that I am capable of everything because anyone for transforming your saying it doesn't mean that I am an idiot, I can't really knows the reality behind all the scene created behind me. you can't let anyone betrayed me for having a good time. these types of people which trying to shown me my standards once you didn't involved they only respect me for what I was for my life ever. and don't you ever try to miss understand that I am saying this because I scare you this is true story everybody knows that most the problems comes from a made up story and it needs to pay off. You pay me by threating by phone and WhatsApp this is my last time very politely ask you to stop this right here. you can do anything for a while but if I grab my pen I can make your standards very very low for the reset of the century in history. you better behave don't fart out until you get the message from the person told you to do so otherwise one day will come and you can see me setting as a controller for the reset. honestly if your reading this and you don't know what I am actually saying better to avoid it and soon you will see something you never excepting and it will be a gift from some where else. Everybody knows what can solve big problems, but they can't understand what effects and other consequences will be in the way with that according to that person. note this and remember I am my self challenging you try to make what you did last time really liked the technique it worked once on me. the only thing I am saying that will be a direct offer and challenge case you for you to try your last game techniques again on me. you know what you can't make me to call for help again and that would be the someone savior. two more thing you can prove me wrong and you can win the challenge from me.

Writer and Author

Ferdows Sahil Ayobi             

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