11 Years of Experience in Technology?

 11 Years of Experience With Technology 

i have experienced 11 years with different software's and tools from windows to professional applications, if i want to name the list of operating systems it would be windows the starting of using computer and linux, unix and mac operating systems as well. with the different operating systems i am familiar to use them from the root of the operating systems. an operating system represent with different functionality so you need to know how to set the settings for different platform when it comes to configure any operating systems for a user. like windows users need to know about the windows shortcuts .cpl and .msc. with the windows if you dive into this operating system you should know all commands with command prompt so you could preform more things or execute the command for any specific app to run or configure. you can find more amazing things about windows in my channel which (Ferdows Sahil) in youtube, with this channel you will learn to use windows and other IT staff as well. Not only my knowledge and experienced with windows ends but it will be kick start of all IT materials you can find this channel completely for free. I was IT manager for many years for cooperate company and I installed many complicated networks across different regions. during these years i used to configure different networking devices with different platforms like Cisco, Cyberoam, TP-link, Microsoft, Ubnt and more. in 2012 i have completed my first certification from Microsoft which MCTS certification. at the end of the story with networking i must tell you i use to configure and setup a lot with Linux platforms as well. in 2013 i completed the CEH (Certify Ethical Hacking) course and i use to practice a lot security and defend hacking for different companies. i remembered that just for the sake of test i run a software called Netcut in net café to see am i able to stop the internet connections on users and the net café administrator. Now i should tell you about the application that i am expert to use and they are listed below.

  • Adobe illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Aftereffect
  • Adobe Premier
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Corel Draw
  • 4D Cinema 
  • Blender 
  • Microsoft Office 
  • Quick Book 
now i have created two different channels education and tech and anyone can access to learn for free and you can find my links for that channel below.

Education Channel: Join Now 


Tech Channel:

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