Do You Want To Scare Me?

 Do You Want To Scare Me?

Scare me with your kindness and goodness remember always you can't win there is more that because after every lose is a door which open for wining. I can notice each time your around me and you wanted me to do, hey don't you think this is the smart warning for you if anyone opened to adopt anything doesn't mean he is fool and he just pretend to be. I think this kind of person is a fighter and he never gives up and he shows that he is capable of everything. have you ever though about the world we live it is all just like a demo class for everyone which teach you to live your own life. i think any human in this world have the rights to make decision and live the way he or she want. but we don't understand the real theory of life whenever we understand this theory we can respect each other we respect ourselves. yes, yes i am saying theory of  life you might think or ask me what is theory of life. life theory is real understand and the value of everything that happen everyday in our life's, but this doesn't mean everything that makes us nervous and negative. Let me scare from your goodness this is second time I am beardly noticed you try to scare me with your gun but remember i have more power than you and it is called pen which is more powerful than your useless gun. I am personally recommend that never do it cause you never know what is going on in this world in few years a lot of thing is about to change. new technology Ai is about to make big changes to whole world and soon everyone will know the power of Ai because Ai is getting more and more powerful each year than a random human. one day came that no soldier will fight to each other because robot will fight instead of them. this really going to change everything and no one will do anything about it and this what going to happen soon and in the future.      

In conclusion:

So now we understand the real life theory and the facts that happen around us,  Ai or (Artificial Intelligent) that changing our life is a big topic so i don't want to end it here in some other article we will discuss and i will tell you more about the Ai in details that how it is going to change human life's in future.     

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