Can You Find Anyone To Be Honest?

Can You Find Anyone To Be Honest?

latterly in this world no one is care and honest with you, the only person that really care and honest with you is your mom and dad but however you should believe yourself and care and respect yourself if you over rule or wrong judge yourself then nothing will left for you. every humans in this world scared of something but you should face your fears i should, you should no run a way from your fears because removing this from our life's means we are respecting and taking care for ourselves. as a blogger personally i love to write about different things but you know what writing is not so simple you should be very professional writer to be honest i am the worse writer ever but still i love to write something that really change my life, your life for better. if you go outside from your home you can find a lot negative persons around you but listen to this that all those persons show you the positive ways really all those peoples positive people you might be think how they can be so positive let me tell you that they all respect for what they think and what they say pay attention you will understand. I will tell you a story, one day a person asked we live in Afghanistan why our country is not developed like Dubai I didn't answer him because he is only sharing his perspective about what he really could think. he was really negative because if he is positive about the development hey could say we should make our country like Dubai and we should do all those steps that for a country his peoples scarifies so we can't stop people saying and being negative if we do this means we are not respecting for what they are. but the only thing that we can change is adding and remixing positive thoughts with negative. like yes your right but if we can could take these step we can reach to the levels that we never expected. they only person that is remains positive is your mom and dad. 


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